"Marizel has had a great impact on our daughter over the last year. She counts the days until she gets to see her 'speech teacher' and gushes with pride after each session about the day's accomplishments. Marizel's energy and enthusiasm for working with kids is admirable. I asked my daughter the one thing she'd like to say to Marizel and she said, "Thank you for teaching me and playing games with me". Thank you Marizel for your unwavering dedication to helping kids develop and learn. Our family is better off because of you." ---E.C.

"Mason started speech at age 1 through his birth to three program. It focused on oral-motor skills, signing and using pictures to assist with expressive communication. At age 3, Mason started seeing Kristi on a weekly basis. That same summer, we also had him scheduled for an augmentative communication assessment at Children's Hospital. At the augmentative communication appointment, it was recommended that he start using a device to assist with expressive communication. We decided to hold off on purchasing an expensive device for a little while. In the interim, he continued to see Kristi weekly. Within a few months, he started making progress with expressive and receptive skills. Mason has been seeing Kristi for over two years now. He is able to talk on the phone, speak in sentences, verbally communicate his needs, initiate conversation and more. His articulation has also improved dramatically. Mason has progressed so far in the past two years and we attribute it to working with Kristi". --C.P.

“My son Gavin began speech therapy with Kristi only days after his third birthday. When he started therapy, his speech skills were delayed to the point that my husband and I were the only person who could understand him. A daily part of life was someone asking Gavin a question and the person looking beyond him to one of us to interpret what he had said. Even the way he said his name was incomprehensible. So while it was clear that Gavin needed therapy, I still felt apprehensive. I was uncertain if the results would be noticeable and was definitely concerned that my active three-year-old would be resistant. I was also concerned that his self-esteem might suffer in some way as a result of needing help with his speech. On all accounts, my husband and I could not be more pleased. Within a couple of therapy sessions we noticed results in his speech, and so did other people around him. Within a few months people could understand almost everything he said. And the best part of it all is that Gavin developed a deep affection for Kristi. She made the therapy sessions so much fun that Gavin asked regularly, “When do I get to play with Miss Kristi?” Whenever he sees her, his entire face lights up. I could not have imagined a better situation for Gavin, and it was comforting to know that he was in the care of someone who is not only competent, but also trustworthy. For us she turned a potentially nerve-wracking experience (especially as a first-time parents!) into pure joy. I wholeheartedly recommend her.”--Alexis.